Keitaro, a leader in data and open source technologies, is pleased to announce its collaboration with Dr Simon Fox, Head: Law and Criminology, Solent University
The capture and use of data is becoming more prevalent in all walks of life and business, and can provide valuable insights into many areas including social change. Having that in mind, Dr. Fox will be working on a project around the assessment and management of risks posed by sexual and violent offenders across Hampshire.
“The goal is to enable Police services to workout how best to allocate staff to monitor different risk categories of offender. In order to do that, we needed to find a management tool that can store data, and then display it all in one location so it can be easily referenced and analysed”, said Dr Fox, Solent University
Keitaro’s Amplus data management portal will be used by Dr Fox within the Solent University Criminology Department to measure the data collected during the project. This project can not only bring potentially valuable insights to Hampshire police, but also to all UK Police services who must monitor offenders after they have been through the court system.
“We are pleased to be working with Dr Fox and Solent University, and to be supporting this great project. If we are able to help in getting positive results through our support in this vital work, it will prove the value of data collection, management and dissemination. If the outcomes are beneficial we will be looking to support a bigger UK wide trial”, said Barrie Wade, Keitaro’s Business Development Manager for the United Kingdom.
The trial gets underway in January and it is planned that the findings from the trial will be presented to an audience at an Open Data Conference in Southampton in September 2020, details of which will be announced soon.
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